Milli Fire Closure Boundaries Adjust

SISTERS– The Deschutes National Forest, Sisters Ranger District has adjusted the Milli Fire closure to allow for increased recreational access, while still providing for public safety.


The Forest Service wants to highlight that most national forest lands within the Milli fire area, are open to public access. However, some trails and roads remain closed due to hazardous trees and trail treads damaged by fire-caused erosion.


The following is specific information regarding open winter trails, closed winter trails, open recreation sites and open roads. All trails, roads and recreation sites will be reassessed following the winter to determine whether than can remain open after winter storm damage.



Currently, most trails in the fire area are open, However, the Forest Service does not fall standing dead trees along trails. Forest users should use extreme caution when entering burned areas and should expect many trees fallen across the trails next spring before trail crews can clear them.


The popular McKenzie Highway 242 is open for winter recreation including snowmobiles. In winter the route is closed to vehicles. Winter users should use extreme caution, particularly in the Black Crater area, which burned with high intensity on steep slopes.  This fire behavior created a high risk for falling trees and limbs, landslides, and avalanches.  The following snowmobile trails are open: Cross-District Snowmobile Trail, Bluegrass Loop Snowmobile Trail, McKenzie Highway 242 – Open to over-snow travel only.



A portion of the Upper Cross-District Snowmobile Trail from the junction of Bluegrass loop (junction 518), south to the junction with the Cross District Trail (junction 519A) is closed.



  • Sisters Cow Camp
  • Millican Crater Trailhead
  • Scott Pass Trailhead
  • Lava Camp Lake Trailhead



The District has mitigated danger trees along 18 miles of road within the Mill Fire area. The following roads are open, however the roads are not maintained for winter access. All other roads in the fire area will remain closed to public use until standing dead trees that pose a risk to motorists can be abated

The following Forest Service roads are OPEN:


1000900 1030000 1505000
1000903 1030200 1505800
1018000 1040000 1513000
1024000 1040700 1514000
1026000 1040730 1514880
1028000 1500000 1520000


The public is encouraged to KNOW BEFORE YOU GO by contacting the Sisters Ranger District office at 541-549-7700 if you plan to visit the area.