Your elected officials of the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District

Kristie Miller, Board President

Kristie is retired from the US Forest Service after 35 years as a forester and District Ranger.  As a forester her focus was managing timber sale preparation and environmental analysis processes.  She was District Ranger on the Cowlitz Valley Ranger District for 7 years then came to Sisters where she was District Ranger for 5 years.  Kristie grew up in the Dallas, Oregon until she was 11 years old when her family moved to the Maupin, Oregon area where they owned a small grocery store/gas station.  This is where she and her sisters worked, learning about how to serve the public.  Kristie grew up with three sisters, 2 of which also worked for the Forest Service.  Since retirement Kristie has been working on the Board of Directors for the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District and has found it extremely rewarding.  Living in Sisters has been a highlight of the lives of Kristie and her husband, Rich.


Jack McGowan, Vice President

Jack McGowan started his career on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange before coming to his new home, Oregon in 1970.  Since then, he has had a career in FM Radio media, Marketing Director at the Oregon Zoo, Press Secretary to Portland, Mayor Bud Clark, correspondent for the NBC affiliate in Portland, KGW-TV, and Executive Director for the Oregon based non-profit organization, founded by Governor Tom McCall, “SOLVE”.  Jack has been accorded an Honorary Doctorate from Pacific University, the Oregon Statesman Award and the Portland First Citizen Award.  He has served on State Commissions, Foundations, Non-profit Boards and cares deeply about his adopted state.

Tom Herrmann, Secretary/Treasurer

Tom is a retired business attorney who practiced for most of his career in Eugene. He has lived in Sisters since 2019. Tom has a strong belief that each of us are responsible for doing all we can to give back to the communities in which we live. He has a demonstrated commitment to public service, including experience on governmental boards such as the Eugene School District 4J Board, including serving as Chair, and on a wide variety of business and non-profit boards. He has also served as an active volunteer with a number of civic, political and athletic organizations. Prior to being elected to the Sisters Camp Sherman Fire District board in 2023, Tom was an active volunteer with the district’s Fire Corps program and served on the Safety Committee.

Rodney Cooper, Director

Rod is a 32-year career elementary school teacher retiree with ten years of post-retirement substitute teaching. During his career, he was a long-standing middle school track and field coach and high school cross country coach, as well as a volunteer in youth sports as a coach, gym monitor, and referee. He has also owned and operated two small businesses; a Christmas tree growing and retailing operation, and a custom awards business (trophies, plaques, mugs, hats, T-shirts). Rod is a lifelong volunteer in local, state, and national politics in support of maintaining a strong and free Constitutional Republic for generations to come. He is an active volunteer in children’s ministry and as a church council/board member. He enjoys serving his community as a board director of the Sisters-Camp Sherman Rural Fire Protection District.

Bret Campbell, Director

Bret is a practicing attorney who first visited Sisters in 1999 with his wife, a native Oregonian, and fell in love with the area’s unique Western lifestyle and community. After 25 years working in Washington, DC, in 2017 he moved to Central Oregon and founded a legal and consulting firm. Throughout his career, Bret has been involved in a variety of charitable and non-profit organizations, including the Veterans Pro Bono Consortium, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), and the American Corporate Partners Veterans Mentor Project. Bret is committed to supporting our local communities and currently serves as a Director of two Sisters-Camp Sherman civic and conservation non-profits. Prior to being appointed to the Fire District Board, he served on the District’s Budget Committee and Civil Service Commission.

The Board of Directors is comprised of 5 elected community members.  The primary duty and function of the Board of Directors is to establish policies for the governance of the District.  It is the policy of the Board to delegate to the Fire Chief and staff the responsibility for the day-to-day administration of the District, in a manner consistent with the policies and directions of the Board.

The Board holds its regularly scheduled meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m.  The meetings are held at Fire Station No. 701, located at 301 South Elm Street in Sisters, Oregon.

The community is invited to attend and participate in the Board meetings. Public comments are accepted at the beginning of each meeting.

Meeting Agendas & Public Notices

Access PDFs of agendas and notices here.

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