Get Started
Fill out online form below or print the registration form and choose a class that best fits your schedule.
Adult CPR/AED classes are 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Child CPR/AED is an additional hour and Infant CPR/AED is an additional hour and a half. First Aid classes are held the day after CPR/AED classes and are 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and will be offered on the following dates:
CPR/AED/First Aid Classes
March 14, 2020 – Canceled
May 30, 2020 – *Includes CPR/AED/First Aid 8:30-4:30
June 27, 2020 – *Includes CPR/AED/First Aid 8:30-4:30
September 19, 2020 – *Includes CPR/AED/First Aid 8:30-4:30
October 24, 2020- *Includes CPR/AED/First Aid 8:30-4:30
CPR Only Class
April 23, 2020
July 16, 2020
August 12, 2020
November 19, 2020
First Aid Only
April 24, 2020
July 17, 2020
August 13, 2020
November 20, 2020
All classes are first come-first serve up to 12 people per class. If a class is full, please sign up for the next available class that fits your schedule. If fewer than 4 people sign up for a class, you will be asked to choose another scheduled class date. You must register at least one week prior to your class date.
Return the form and payment
In Person: 301 South Elm Street in Sisters
Mail to: Sisters-Camp Sherman R.F.P.D., PO Box 1509, Sisters, OR 97759.
Cost at Sign Up
CPR & AED and/or First Aid – $30 (Non-Refundable)
Includes AHA Cert. Card & Student Workbook
*Note – The price for one class or all four classes is just $30 total.
* Please bring a sack lunch; there will be no lunch break when taking both classes.