Every adult should know their blood pressure. Do you know yours? High blood pressure can lead to stroke, vision loss, dementia, heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease/failure, and sexual dysfunction. There is nothing more personal than your blood pressure.
The Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District offers free blood pressure screenings on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 11am to 12pm at the Senior Lunch at Sisters Community Church in Sisters. You can also stop by the main fire station in Sisters at 301 South Elm Street for a free blood pressure screening and we can be available for Community Events. High blood pressure is known as a “silent killer.” Getting your blood pressure checked can be fast, easy and free. Fire Corps members provide you with a BP log card with your blood pressure reading and the date. Having your blood pressure checked at least once a month and recording the results on the log card each time, provides your doctor with a picture over time.