The Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District plans to hold a “Burn to Learn” training exercise on Saturday, April 30, beginning at 8 a.m. at the home located at 484 E. Adams. This exercise will provide invaluable training to our firefighters using live fire.
District firefighters will be practicing critical skills including fire attack, ventilation and exposure protection activities. We wish to thank the community in advance for your support in this training exercise. Without you we could not achieve the high quality of training that this event will bring.
Smoke from the burn will be kept to a minimum when possible, but we ask that if you live in the area of the training site that you keep your windows closed during the exercise. Fire personnel and apparatus will remain on scene throughout the evening to monitor any continued burning and all fire will be extinguished by morning.
Safety and control are the primary concerns at this training. Extra equipment and trained personnel are on scene at all times. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this event, please feel free to contact Deputy Chief Tim Craig at the Sisters Fire Station, 541-549-0771.